
Birkat Ha’Ilanot


Written by: Erin Parfet
Hits: 1107

For now, the winter has passed, and the rains are over and gone. The blossoms have appeared on the land. The time for pruning has come. Song of Songs 2:11

Blessing Over the Children


Written by: Erin Parfet
Hits: 1256

A beautiful tradition that many Jewish families or perhaps even congregations embrace is the blessing of their children on Friday nights as Shabbat is soon arriving or has just started. The words of the blessing are derived from the Priestly Blessing (Numbers 6:24–26), and the format varies slightly depending on whether the child is male or female. In addition to Friday nights, some parents may choose to bless their children using this blessing or a similar variation at a brit milah, a naming ceremony, a birthday, a bar or bat mitzvah, graduation day, or any other special occasion.

Christmas: A Festival of Lights


Written by: Richard M. Davidson
Hits: 1617

Christmas festival of lights.1

Reveling in Christmas Lights

I revel in the lights of Christmas! And I am not alone in such reveling. Our wider Christian family is entranced each year by the lavish display of lights so festively decorating our homes. If I were forced to eliminate all types of Christmas decorations but one, I could forego the tree, the tinsel and Christmas balls, the snowflakes, and many other things, but I would keep the lights! Somehow, for me, the holiday lights capture the essence of Christmas.

COVID-19 and Wars: What Should Christians Learn?


Written by: Daniel Gordan
Hits: 1450

covid articleWe have witnessed three global events. One of them is now in the past. The other two are not yet in the past, but many would like to see them in the past as soon as possible.

For from Zion, The Torah Shall Come Forth


Written by: Alexander Bolotnikov
Hits: 2121

What do you think when you hear the word Torah? The answer depends on your religious upbringing.

If you are from a Jewish background, the Torah is often associated with a set of 613 commandments, which every Jew is expected to observe.