Prayer and Blessing

Birkat Ha’Ilanot


Written by: Erin Parfet
Hits: 1225

For now, the winter has passed, and the rains are over and gone. The blossoms have appeared on the land. The time for pruning has come. Song of Songs 2:11



Written by: Erin Parfet
Hits: 1421

It is considered a mitzvah to recite Hallel (“praise” in English) in the synagogues on certain festive Jewish holidays. Hallel is a sacred communal prayer of thanksgiving for all the blessings God has bestowed upon Israel. The basis of the prayer is Psalms 113–118, sometimes referred to as the Egyptian Hallel, especially Psalms 113–114.



Written by: Erin Parfet
Hits: 3492

hashkiveinu"Guard our coming and our going; grant us life and peace, now and always. (Siddur Sim Shalom, p. 33)

(ufros aleinu sukat sh’lomecha) "Spread over us Your shelter of peace... (Siddur Sim Shalom, p. 285)

Shalom Aleichem


Written by: Erin Parfet
Hits: 1434

shalom aleychem articleShalom Aleichem ("Peace Be Upon You") is not only a traditional beloved greeting and message of farewell among the Jewish people when they meet (first scripturally appearing in Genesis 43:23 and further referenced in Judges 6:23), but is also the title of a commonly sung poem universally sung at Friday night Shabbat meals. The term "shalom" itself has broad linguistic applications as possibly a noun, interjection, verb, or adverb and can be used either independently as a greeting or in various expressions such as "shalom aleichem." As per the Talmud, it is required for Jews to greet one another bearing messages of peace (and if one offers peace to you, then you are required to respond with a message of peace lest you rob another of their peace).



Written by: Erin Parfet
Hits: 1461

Shehecheyanu ("that we are alive") is a generic Jewish blessing said in addition to regular blessings as the Jewish people express gratitude to God for the gift of life and the miracles that occur around us in the present moment, reminding us to take nothing for granted and allow ourselves to be surprised by as well as thankful for the small, finer, sometimes overlooked things in life.